Welcome to the new Alex!
As you have probably noticed, our author encyclopedia has been given a new look. Among other things, we have worked on the main menu and our landing pages, so that users can navigate more easily. However, you don't have to worry, most things are the same and can be accessed from the same place as before.
/ The editors
Theme article
Indisk litteratur
By: Tomas Löfström
”Den indiska litteraturen sträcker sig långt tillbaka i tiden. De äldsta Vedaskrifterna, däribland Rigveda med sin kända skapelseberättelse, uppkom troligen redan kring år 1500 f Kr. Men till en början traderades dessa mestadels religiösa urkunder bara muntligt, och det dröjde många hundra år innan de började skrivas ner på sanskrit. --- ”
New & Reworked
December 2024
By: The editors
New and revised articles of the month.