
Sample of literary figures

  • Vincent Ruiz


    The colour of his face shows that he drinks too much. Otherwise he is big and strong – not least as regards language – with a broken nose. Vincent Ruiz has a history of 43 years as a police officer in London, three marriages and just as many divorces. He does, however, have good contact with his ex-wives as well as his children. And even though he is now retired, he still catches villains in Michael Robotham’s novels.

    Further reading

  • Kristina Vendel


    Female detective inspector with the police in Huddinge, Stockholm. Her father had fled from East Germany to Sweden; Kristina Vendel’s marriage to Johan is in trouble and eventually breaks up. She has light hair, grey-green eyes, and studied Philosophy before she started at Police College. She has a tough time at work, and is often abused in several ways, Theodor Kallifatides tells us.

    Further reading

  • Victor Legris


    In the late 19th century, he runs a bookshop, Librairie Elzévir, in Paris together with his Japanese adoptive father Kenji Mori. In his free time, Victor Legris is an enthusiastic amateur detective and photographer. He is something of a clothes snob, is athletically built and has an appearance that interests women. Claude Izner (pseudonym for Liliane Korb and Laurence Lefèvre) has written a suite of novels about him.

    Further reading

  • Meyer Meyer


    Max Meyer, of Polish-Jewish extraction, had a curious sense of humour: he named his son Meyer Meyer. The name contributed to the boy becoming the victim of bullies in school. As an adult, he turned completely bald, became a police detective, patient, and is married to the motherly Sarah with whom he has three children. He works in the 87th police district in Isola in police novels by Ed McBain (pseudonym for Evan Hunter).

    Further reading