
Porges, Arthur

August 20, 1915
May 12, 2006
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature, Science fiction, Fantasy, Horror literature, Poetry
The American author, journalist and mathematician Arthur Porges had an unusual – in fact it would be more correct to say unique – literary career. He wrote far more than 200 short stories in genres within popular literature, primarily sci-fi, horror and crime fiction, and also essays, non-fiction articles and poetry – but not a single novel! Before his death in 2006, only two collections of short stories had been published, but during 2008 a further four appeared, as well as a book of poetry, from various publishing houses, and the number has increased since then and is still increasing. It is above all his sci-fi stories that have aroused interest, and some of them have even been labelled as important classics in the genre, but even several of his fantasy and crime-fiction short stories have been praised: not least his Sherlock Holmes parodies.

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