Portrait image of Lars Norén Photo: Patrik Gunnar Helin

Norén, Lars

April 9, 1944
January 26, 2021
Drama, Poetry, Miscellaneous prose
Swedish author, poet, and playwright, born in Stockholm. Lars Norén was raised partly in the province of Skåne (Scania). His father was a head waiter. His mother died early from cancer. His struggle to overcome the loss of his mother emerges in different ways in large parts of his authorship. In the 1960's, Lars Norén was put in a clinic for mental disorder and would afterwards go to psychoanalysis for some fifteen years. Lars Norén was 1993-2002 married to the playwright and publisher Charlotte Neuheuser and 2007-13 to the actress Annika Hallin. He died in the suites of Covid-19, 76 years old.

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