Portrait image of W. Somerset Maugham Photo: 1929 Bassano/Camera Press / TT

Maugham, W. Somerset

United Kingdom, France
January 25, 1874
December 16, 1965
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature, Drama
William Somerset Maugham was a British author born in Paris. His father was a lawyer at the British Embassy there. When Maugham was eight years old, his mother died of tuberculosis, two years later his father died of cancer and the boy was sent to live with his uncle, the Vicar of Whitstable in Kent. Maugham suffered from a serious stammer, he was shy and avoided speaking in public; unlike his father and grandfather, he chose not to pursue a career in law. Maugham attended King’s School, Canterbury and the University of Heidelberg after which he studied medicine at St. Thomas’ Hospital, King’s College, London, but he only practiced medicine for a short period. A year after his debut he left London for Capri and became an author.

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