Portrait image of Pär Lagerkvist Photo: Ateljé Uggla

Lagerkvist, Pär

May 23, 1891
July 11, 1974
Poetry, Drama, Miscellaneous prose
Swedish author, born in Växjö as the youngest of seven siblings. His father was a railway station supervisor, and Pär Lagerkvist grew up in an apartment above the railway station restaurant. There was a strong cohesion within his family. The family was influenced by the rural environment from which it originated, and a pious and conservative Christian faith prevailed in the home. There were only three books: The Bible, the hymn-book, and Arndt's collection of sermons. Lagerkvist began writing short stories, romantic stories, and poems already as a youth, and he knew early on that he wanted to become an author. Already in 1906 he made his debut as a writer in Smålandsposten with the prose piece "Moderskärlek".

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