
Hare, Cyril (pseud.)

United Kingdom
September 4, 1900
August 25, 1958
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature, Children's literature
Under the pseudonym Cyril Hare, the English jurist A.A. (Alfred Alexander) Gordon Clark is a prominent name in British crime fiction, even though he only wrote nine novels. He was born in Mickleham in Surrey, and attended St. Aubin’s School in Rottingdean and Rugby School in Rugby before he went to study at university in Oxford. He first gained a B.A. in Modern History, but went on to study Law, and qualified as a lawyer in 1924. He got a job with one of the best-known legal firms in London, and in 1933 married Barbara Lawrence. The couple had three children, two daughters and a son, and the marriage lasted until his death.

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