Portrait of Frances Fyfield Photo: IPC/Woman'S Realm/REX / TT

Fyfield, Frances

United Kingdom
November 18, 1948
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature
Frances Fyfield is the pseudonym of the British crime-writer Frances Hegarty who grew up in Derbyshire, England. Her father was a physician, and despite his alcohol problems she claims she had a safe and happy upbringing. Her parents often encouraged their children to read, which the young Frances took to heart. She was educated at convent schools and graduated from Helena Grammar School in Chesterfield before she read English at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. She worked for a period before she began to read law and qualified as a solicitor. She moved to London in 1971, and in 1975 she began to work, first for the Metropolitan Police and later for what became the Crown Prosecution Service. She lives in London, but spends a great deal of her time in Deal on the Kentish coast.

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