Portrait image of Michael Connelly Photo: Björn Gustafsson / Forflex

Connelly, Michael

July 21, 1956
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature
Michael Connelly is an American author of crime fiction born in Philadelphia. At the age of twelve, he moved with his family to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where he attended St. Thomas Aquinas High School. He began to study for a building construction major at the University of Florida, Gainesville, but did not do as well as he expected. A keen admirer of Raymond Chandler, he decided to do a degree in journalism instead. He graduated from UFG in 1980 and went on to work for various Florida newspapers. After having been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, he was hired as a crime report at the Los Angeles Times. In 1987, he moved to California with his wife Linda, whom he had married in 1984.

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