Portrait image of Anders Bodelsen Photo Søren Bidstrup (2009) / Ritzau Scanpix / TT

Bodelsen, Anders

February 11, 1937
October 17, 2021
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature, Drama, Science fiction
Anders Bodelsen was a Danish author, journalist and critic born in the Copenhagen district of Frederiksberg. He then lived in Klampenborg with his wife, Eva, who is a librarian. They were married in 1975 and got two daughters together. Anders Bodelsen’s father, C.A. Bodelsen, was a professor of English literature and his mother, Merete Bodelsen, a highly regarded art historian. Bodelsen graduated from Ordrup high school in 1956 and went on to read law, economics and literature and the University of Copenhagen. During this period he edited the student magazine Frit Forum and contributed feature articles on cultural topics to various magazines.

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