Portrait image of Douglas Adams Photo: Hans T Dahlskog / Pressens Bild

Adams, Douglas

United Kingdom, USA
March 11, 1952
May 11, 2001
Miscellaneous prose, Crime literature, Science fiction
Douglas Noel Adams was a British author born in Cambridge. His father had studied theology, but worked as a probation officer and later lectured on probation theory and practice. Adams’s mother was a nurse at Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge. When his parents divorced in 1957 he moved with his mother and sister to his grandparents who were running an RSPCA shelter in Brentwood, Essex. While at school, Adams preferred science to humanities and writing until he became the first pupil at Brentwood Primrose Hill Primary School to get ten credits out of ten for an essay. This experience often helped him when he suffered from writer’s block later in his career. He also contributed to a number of school magazines.

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